My karma ran over my dogma...

Friday, May 13, 2005

Crybabies and Dinner (yet more soccer)

Yes, the CFS soccer team freaking lost to Cary Christian, no less. They were being really annoying. I should have, like, fell to my knees after a good cross, and gone “thank you, Jesus!” They probably would have been so shocked they couldn’t play. And people were crying and stuff (thank goodness I didn’t ride the bus home). To tell the truth, I was like yea I’m pissed but I’m not going to flood the place- it was wet enough from yesterday’s thunderstorm. (Witty, eh? heehee) I was more upset when we played Triangle Day and tied, to tell the truth. Anyway, there was a ton of people there- it was pretty cool considering that it was our last game. All boys. A coincidence? I think not. It really freaks girls when guys watch them play and talk about them, like we do with guys. After the game, max and me went out to dinner (conspicuously un-sobbing-our-hearts-out). It was really yummy!


Speaking of summer being over, and the exploratorium front, all is well. I had a slight (NOT) clash of schedules, with my Island Writing Retreat/Bald Head Party the same week as TFC tryouts (AHHHHHHHH!!!!). So we talk to Pete and he said I didn’t have to tryout, I’m ON! Which I’m kinda suspicious of considering how much I suck compared to everyone else. ( If you don’t believe me, you’ll have to come to one of my games.) I’m so excited!!!!! Oh, and it would be awesomely cool if Jeramie or Dru joined my team! Right? Uh huh. You’re awesome! (Max, I know how u feel about that.)

And my third entry featuring exclusively…SOCCER! You must be so bored! I’m sorry but my life revolves around it so that’s all I can talk about.

Oh, a tidbit of news. I’m in the same category as Sadie, which means that we have our recital together. AHHHHHHHHH I HATE THAT GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At least I don’t feel totally sucky, cuz Sadie is the youngest student, and the group is mostly young high schoolers. So I don’t suck (sort of). And please, PLEASE don’t ask me to sing for you, because I hate it and I WON'T! Because. I will when I’m really good, OK? Or you can come to Molly’s bat mitzvah! (I’m so excited about that, even though it’s in like two years!

omg I'm turning into Rebecca and leaving super-long thingies that no one bothers to read (at least I don't have the patience for it). I still love you Rebecca!


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